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This page is about unfair stuff thats happening in NZ and around the world, but basically it's just shit that fucks me off , and general ranting

First off, is my rant about the XBOX:

XBOX's are lame!!! they just ooze microsoft's cutting corners!!
"Oh, we cant be bothered actually designing a gaming console, we have to get in to the market quicksmart so we'll just take a bunch of cheap components and make a small(ish) pc.... yeah that'll do it..." - MS Development team

Seriously it's like Internet Explorer all over again!! Not to mention various other Microsoft ventures...

I mean take the controllers... they are huge!!!
"Finally Microsoft announced that its smaller Xbox controller, previously available only in Japan, would be available to us Europeans who don't have hands as big as Texas. Not, a place, incidentally, where you'd imagine there'd be much demand for smaller controllers." - http://www.tiscali.co.uk/games/features/xboxseville/2 (27/12/2004)
XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade
XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade XBOX Controllers are huge - PennyArcade
And all they are is just a modified USB port... no invention, no innovation... just the same old shit...

So lets have a look at the components that Microsoft put into this crapbox... *googles XBOX specs* Processor: 733Mhz Intel Custom Pentium III (32bit CISC - Regular PC Chip) RAM: 64MB DDRRAM (Regular PC DDR RAM) Video: 250 MHz Custom-Designed NV2X (http://www.xbreporter.com/xbox_system_specifications.php)

So whats wrong with these specifications you ask? They are all regular PC specs...

Now lets look at the PS2... *googles PS2 specs* Processor: 295 MHz SPARC (128bit RISC - Mac-like highend server chip) RAM: 32MB DRDRAM (Direct Rambus - 3rd Gen memory) Video: 147 MHz 4MB Graphics Synthesizer As you can see the XBOX is basically just a PC... so wtf... it's not even a console! Whereas Sony have actually put in the work and development to give its console quality, genuine, processing power.

Believe it or not, the PS2 actually outruns the XBOX in CPU data throughput. Although its only 295MHz, it has 128 pipelines running to and from it, whereas the XBOX only has 32.

ConsoleTicks per SecondPipelinesData Throughput

So some of the Mhz that the PS2 lacks in its Graphics chip, is made up by its kickass 128bit CPU.

This site is © Copyright 2004 "hamstar"