Linux Distro's for sale

Looking to get into linux?

Only have 56k so can't download ISO's quickly?

If you live in NZ I can sell and send Linux CD's to you.

I have the following distros available:
AtomicTV Atomic Knoppix Morhpix
Gentoo x86 2004 Lycoris Desktop L/X SuSE Linux 9.0 Pro (5CD)
Mandrake 9.1 (3CD) Mandrake 9.2 (3CD) Mandrake 10.0 (3CD)
SME Server Thiz Linux 6.0 Fedora Core 1 (2CD)
Damn Small Linux Yoper 2.004 Xandros 2 FREE

$2 per cd
Postage is $1
Each distro is one CD unless otherwise stated.

Contact Details
You can contact me by email: edev_nz[-at-]hotmail[-dot-]com OR
Talk to me on most popular NZ Direct Connect hubs. My username is Hamstar.

Please remember that Linux is no-ones. I am only charging for the service of burning, and posting. Most of the ISO's are available for free here or from pc magazines: Atomic